St. Thomas Health Centre Eravuchira

The New Sub Centre of St. Thomas Hospital Chethipuzha is started at Eravuchira, Thottakkad, as a reflection of our dedicated care to our community with compassion, expertise, and unwavering commitment to community’s well-being.

Comprehensive Services Available

  • OP CONSULTATIONS: OP consultation services are available at St. Thomas Health Centre, Thottakkad,
    Eravuchira. Morning and evening OP will be arranged. The services of specialist doctors will also be
    available in the evening OPs.


  • OTHER SERVICES: A round-the-clock pharmacy and laboratory services are available at St. Thomas
    Health Centre, Thottakkad, Eravuchira.


Experience our healthcare services at St. Thomas Health Centre Eravuchira.
For more information contact   :   +91 773 667 6111


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