

Medically reviewed by:
Senior Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon
Dept. of Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine

Question: I play a bunch of different sports and sometimes overdo it. How important is rest and recovery and what should it include?
Answer: Rest and recovery are essential to prevent overuse injuries and allow your muscles to repair and strengthen. Schedule rest days and listen to your body — it'll tell you when it needs a break. Light stretching, foam rolling, and low-impact activities like swimming or yoga are great recovery tools. Don't forget sleep (7-8 hrs), water (2-3 l), and a balanced diet rich in protein (vitamin D3 deficiencies are common & should also be properly addressed).

Question: I barely have time to tie my shoes before running, let alone do a warm up routine. Is it really that important?
Answer: Skipping your warm-up is like writing an exam without studying. It really prepares your muscles & joints for a better session and helps avoid injury. It should include 5-10 minutes of light aerobic exercise such as jogs or jumping jacks to get your blood flowing, then some leg swings or arm circles to loosen up.

Question: I have just started weightlifting and want to avoid injuries. What should I focus on to ensure proper technique and safety
Answer: Start light — as light as possible — and focus on getting the form down before increasing the weight. Seriously, proper form is key. Consider getting a trainer for a few sessions to learn the ropes. Listen to your body: if it can’t handle the load, you must stop (and not use momentum to cheat). Finally, remember that rest days are your friend, it helps your muscles to recover and build back stronger.

Question: I’ve been playing tennis for years, but recently I’ve started experiencing pain in my elbow. What might I be doing wrong, and how can I prevent it?
Answer: Sounds like your technique is improper or maybe you've been swinging too hard for too long, overusing the muscle. Also make sure that your racket’s grip size is comfortable and focus on your stroke to keep that elbow happy. Strengthening your forearms with some exercises can also help prevent future pain or injury.

Question: As an avid basketball player, I often experience ankle sprains. How can I prevent them?
Answer: That is a common issue in basketball due to all the jumping and sudden changes in direction. First, strengthen those ankles: calf raises and resistance bands are immensely useful. Balance exercises like standing on one leg or using a wobble board can also help stability. Supportive shoes are a must, and if you've sprained them before, consider an ankle brace for extra support. However, chronic ankle sprain that is clinically identified should receive proper medical advice from a foot ankle specialist.

Question: I noticed that after long bike rides, my back tends to ache. How can I prevent this?
Answer: First, make sure your bike fits you perfectly, specifically the seat height, handlebar position and frame size. Maintain a neutral posture while riding, and engage your core muscles. Strengthening your core with planks and bridges will give your back some extra support.

*When a clinical scenario develops, always get the appropriate medical consultation and blood workups done. Most of the time improper medical advice fuels  future complications.


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